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Escaping The Cult of Morrissey

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Morrissey is a twat. The Great British institution Viz made this official years ago. It is the subject of a regular memo that is sent to everyone in Britain and around the world. I've received it too, just as often as everyone else. Whereas while others have nonchalantly filed theirs under ‘Things I already knew’, for about seven years I chose to ignore or reject mine. In my defense, it’s hard to discern the problems of a  cult when you’re in it. And I don’t want to brag, but I know a thing or two about cults. Discovering that someone or something you have relied on to be a source of infallible moral authority is not only fallible but actually immoral, is pretty life-changing. This is what happened to me when I was seventeen. At seventeen, I was coming to terms with my sexual orientation, studying philosophy, and developing my own political views. I was also a Mormon.   Growing up, any research of the teachings of the LDS Church ou

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